AANP’s Positions and Papers
Advocacy for NPs: Legislative and Political Advocacy
As a nurse practitioner (NP), you naturally advocate for your patients. However, it is equally important to engage in legislative and political advocacy to further your role as an NP and ensure excellent patient care. Position statements and papers are effective tools that guide and amplify the perspectives of NPs while educating decision-makers and consumers. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) has developed various positions on critical issues concerning NPs nationwide.
AANP Discussion Papers and Clinical Practice Briefs
For more in-depth information, AANP provides discussion papers that present the pros and cons of specific topics, enhancing understanding and encouraging ongoing dialogue. Additionally, AANP offers members exclusive access to clinical practice briefs, which provide evidence-based guidelines to support NPs in their clinical practice.
Position Statements
1. APRN Compact Licensure
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) adopted the APRN Compact for multistate licensure in August 2020. AANP’s position on the revised compact can be viewed.
2. Mandated Residency and Fellowship Training
To become an NP, rigorous clinical training beyond initial registered nurse (RN) preparation is necessary. AANP asserts its position on the requirement of residencies and fellowships for NPs.
3. NP Education
Robust academic and clinical preparation is crucial for NP practice. AANP emphasizes the significance of quality NP education and outlines its position on this matter.
4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Access to adequate PPE is essential for safeguarding patients and healthcare providers. AANP supports equipping healthcare providers with proper PPE and explains its position.
5. Prescriptive Authority
Prescribing medications, treatments, and modalities is a central aspect of NP practice. AANP advocates for NPs to have unlimited prescriptive authority within their scope of practice.
6. Team-based Care
Team-based care involves a systemic approach to healthcare delivery. AANP expresses its position on the implementation of integrated, multidisciplinary team-based approaches.
7. Telehealth
Telehealth, facilitated by advancements in technology, has become increasingly prevalent. AANP presents its position on the use of telehealth terminology and NPs’ utilization of this important technology.
8. Therapeutic Use of Marijuana
NPs are often the primary healthcare providers for many patients interested in using marijuana for therapeutic purposes. AANP shares its stance on the use of marijuana in healthcare.
Position Papers
1. Clinical Outcomes: The Yardstick of Educational Effectiveness
Evaluating educational effectiveness and measuring clinical success and patient safety for NPs differ from other healthcare professionals. AANP highlights the importance of outcomes as the best evaluation method.
2. Commitment to Addressing Health Care Disparities During COVID-19
AANP is dedicated to empowering NPs to provide equitable care and address healthcare disparities through practice, education, advocacy, research, and leadership (PEARL). This commitment is explained in detail.
3. Nurse Practitioner Cost Effectiveness
For nearly half a century, NPs have consistently demonstrated their cost-effectiveness in providing high-quality care. AANP showcases various examples of NP cost-effectiveness in this position statement.
4. Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care
NPs are integral to primary care delivery, ensuring high-quality, patient-centered healthcare for a wide range of individuals. AANP emphasizes the role of NPs in making primary care accessible to all.
5. Standards for Nurse Practitioner Practice in Retail-based Clinics
Healthcare is becoming more convenient and localized, with retail-based clinics playing an expanding role. AANP discusses the standards it recommends for NPs working in retail-based clinics.
6. Use
of Terms Such as Mid-level Provider and Physician Extender
Accurate terminology is crucial for proper understanding of NPs’ role in healthcare. AANP endorses the use of clear titles for NPs and explains the rationale behind it.
Discussion Papers
1. Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Transitioning existing master’s programs to doctoral programs can strengthen NP practice and programs. AANP presents its position on this shift in academic preparation for advanced practice nurses.
2. Nurse Practitioner Curriculum
NPs must complete an accredited graduate program and undergo advanced clinical training beyond their initial RN preparation. AANP affirms core elements in NP curriculum and elaborates on them.
3. Quality of Nurse Practitioner Practice
Numerous studies support the view that NPs provide safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, equitable, and evidence-based care. AANP summarizes the research supporting the value NPs bring to patients.
4. Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners
As licensed independent clinicians, NPs practice autonomously and collaborate with other healthcare professionals. AANP provides an overview of NPs’ role, education, accountability, and responsibility.
5. Standards of Practice for Nurse Practitioners
AANP-developed Standards of Practice provide valuable information for aspiring NPs, experienced practitioners, and anyone interested in NP practice. A comprehensive overview of these standards is available.
Clinical Practice Briefs
AANP offers a variety of clinical practice briefs, providing concise information and evidence-based guidelines on specific topics. Some of these briefs include:
– American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Guideline on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk (2013)
– American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology/Heart Rhythm Society Guideline for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
– Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Summary
– Clinical Practice Guideline: Allergic Rhinitis
– Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines Summary
– Genetic Counseling and Testing by Advanced Practice Providers
– Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD (GOLD) 2020
– Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults
– Measles: Recommendations for Assessment, Treatment and Prevention
– Menopausal Symptoms: Comparative Effectiveness of Therapies
– Opioids for Chronic, Non-cancer Pain: A Position Paper of the American Academy of Neurology
– Pharmacological Management of Obesity: Obesity Management Association (OMA) 2020 Obesity Algorithm
– Practice Guideline Update: Acute Treatment of Migraine in Children and Adolescents
– Practice Guideline Update: Preventive Treatment of Migraine in Children and Adolescents
– Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder
– Primary Care Diagnosis and Management of Adults With Depression
– Primary Care Management of Headaches in Adults
– Sleep Disorder Management Diagnostic Treatment Guidelines Summary
– Strategies to Prevent Clostridium Difficile Infections in Acute Care Hospitals: 2014 Update
These guidelines cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable insights for NPs in their clinical practice.