What is the current financial impact of your capstone project on the organization and the patient? Explain current costs involved with project implementation, and how those expenses are being funded. (Be sure to include the cost of both human and material resources, as well as savings realized through the initiative.)
What is the future financial impact of your capstone project on the organization and the patient? Explain projected costs necessary to sustain the change project, and how those expenses will be funded. (Be sure to include the cost of both human and material resources, as well as savings projected for the future.)
Identify and explain any modifications to the capstone project that are necessary because of financial considerations.
What is the current financial impact of your capstone project on the organization and the patient?
Describe the project-related activities you want to sustain after your NUR-495 coursework is complete, and explain how sustaining these elements of the project will benefit the organization. Include specific resources, stakeholders, and collaboration necessary to sustain your change initiative.
Cite and reference a minimum of one source for your initial posting.
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