Identify your research focus

Identify your research focus
Assignment Content
The first step in developing a research proposal is identifying an issue within your field of study. Having a clear idea of what you are researching will keep you on track and save time when locating proper articles for your literature review. Determining your research question helps identify search terms and boundaries on the topic.
You will use the same research topic, question, and problem statement throughout the course to suggest a change in practice.

Identify your research focus
Part 1: Select a research topic.
To ensure there is ample research available, select
o Patient handoff
Part 2: Develop a problem statement.
Develop a research problem statement to use as a foundation for your work going forward in the class.
o Consider why the topic is important and identify its main concepts and considerations.
o Refer to the Research Purpose and Types of Research Questions outline on page 14 in Table 1.3 of Nursing Research.
o Access Nursing Research via the Nursing Research Access link in this week’s assignment folder.
Part 3: Determine your research question.
Format the question in PICO format by defining the (P) population, (I) intervention, influence, or exposure, the (C) comparison, and the (O) outcomes.
Identify the dependent and independent variables in your research question.
Refer to Table 2.1: Question Templates for Selected Clinical Foreground Questions: PIO and PICO on page 34 of Nursing Research to guide you in developing a quality research question.
o Access Nursing Research via the Nursing Research Access link in this week’s assignment folder.
Part 4: Identify stakeholders.
Consider what audience(s) will be most interested in your research and/or have a vested interest in your topic.
Part 5: Determine cost implications.
Determine the projected cost implications for your proposal. When you think about the cost, think about possible time, labor, equipment, and training resources that may be needed to execute your research.

Format your assignment in Microsoft® Word document.

Submit your assignment.
Content: 120 Points Possible Points Possible
Selected an appropriate research topic 10
Developed an appropriate problem statement 20
Identified main concepts and considerations for the problem statement 20
Identified an appropriate PICO-formatted research question 20
Identified the dependent and independent variables in the question 10
Identified stakeholders and those with an interest in the topic 20
Determined cost implications of proposed change in practice, considering (where applicable):· Time· Labor· Equipment· Training 20
Formatting: 20 Points Possible Points Possible
Followed a structure that is clear, concise, and appropriate; maintained a scholarly tone 10
Free of grammar, syntax, and spelling errors, Included proper APA formatting for citations paper and references.
Turned paper in on time – -10% per day late 10
Total 140