Transition in healthcare: From Volume to Value-Based Care

Transition in healthcare: From Volume to Value-Based Care

The transition from volume based to value-based care is a major step towards the improvement of healthcare services in the United States. In volume-based care, services are provided for a fee. The system does not focus on quality improvement as compared to value-based care. The value-based care offers an opportunity for healthcare providers to care for a higher population of patients while improving the quality of services provided (Jackson et al., 2013). In the organization I work, volume-based care has been integrated into the system through various ways. The initiation of the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) initiative forms the significant change in the healthcare system of the organization.

The patient-centered medical home involves the provision of medical services using one physician or a group of medical practitioners working together (Jackson et al., 2013). Service delivery has been affected positively by the organization to include reduced mistakes in service delivery and faster coordination of services. Patient satisfaction reports indicate that the service is effective. Problems such as unnecessary and repeated investigations are reduced (Borkowski, 2015). On the limitation side, the service requires many healthcare providers, and sometimes nurses and doctors spend much time caring for patients than usual. PCMH also requires a high capital flow and much capital is used to install medical equipment for individualized care.

The organization responded positively to the changes because more focus has been given to the PCMH programme. Effectiveness has been achieved through employment of extra medical staff and installation of new machinery to promote service delivery. The IPU approach uses a group of medical personnel to provide care to specific patients (Lee and Porter, 2013). The IPU compares to the PCMH response in the organization since patients are treated by individual teams. I recommend that more clinicians to be used in care delivery so that comprehensive services are provided to the patients.


Lee, M. E. P., & Porter, M. (2013). The strategy that will fix health care. Harvard business review.

Jackson, G. L., Powers, B. J., Chatterjee, R., Bettger, J. P., Kemper, A. R., Hasselblad, V., … & Gray, R. (2013). The patient-centered medical home: a systematic review. Annals of internal medicine158(3), 169-178.

Borkowski, N. (2015). Organizational behavior in health care. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.