Readmission after a Cardiac Condition

Readmission after a Cardiac Condition


Cardiovascular diseases are one first growing healthcare burden to the world population and economy at large. This is because it is the leading cause of hospitalization and mortality cases. Hospital readmission after discharge of patients suffering from various types of cardiovascular conditions has been on the rise according to global statistics. This has shifted the focus of the clinicians and other stakeholders in healthcare to look into the issue of readmission after cardiac disease treatment. This paper, therefore, focuses on the risk factors, causes, management and prevention of readmission cases after treatment of heart conditions.

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Cardiovascular diseases represent a group of conditions that affect the heart. The diseases are known to cause massive deaths in the world thus raising concern in the health sector…

Risk factors

Cardiovascular problems among patients is a complex phenomenon that results from the interaction of many factors. Primarily, it is deemed as a lifestyle disease, but there are some exceptions (Palacios, 2016)…

Analysis of Research

Readmission following hospitalization with cardiovascular conditions is a common occurrence globally. Research has been conducted to address the issue to reveal the causes and the prevention of readmissions after discharge. Dulay et al., (2016) conducted community research to examine readmission thirty days after discharge in patients with myocardial infarction. The study acknowledged that readmission after discharge is a common problem…

Significance to Nursing Practice

The nursing practice adopts the QSEN competencies to improve the quality of care and safety of patients through diverse ways. The research on readmissions following cardiac disease indicates that there is information that can be used to avoid future mistakes during discharge as a measure of minimizing the cases…

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Evidence from the research conducted indicates that the major cause of readmission in heart conditions is a long period of hospitalization. Cardiac conditions are the leading cause of global death and research should be conducted to determine the reasons behind the long stay of patients in the hospital. Perhaps if patients suffering from cardiac conditions could be treated and discharged home earlier, the global pattern could be reduced. Further research should be conducted to determine the effectiveness of health education given by nurses during discharge as a measure of controlling cardiovascular conditions.


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