Prescribed Drugs with CAMs

Prescribed Drugs with CAMs


This paper provides a procedure on pharmacological management plan for Mr. NX. In the management plan, the considerations for possible contraindications for CAMs are followed. The recommendations that will enhance the management of the acute pain are also provided which are either prescriptive or non-prescriptive in the process of treatment. To add on the prescriptions, strategies are also provided.

Pharmacological Management Plan

Proper treatment management plan will boost Mr. NX health. This involves following the doctor’s prescriptions precisely. Pharmacological experts will also provide medications that will aid in balancing the blood pressure and reducing the effects of Type II diabetes, (Ventola, 2010).

CAMs Contraindicated with Current Prescriptions

The combination medicine is usually a dangerous issue to the health. Most patients do not disclose their use of CAMs in their health issues. In this case, Mr. NX will have to disclose his if he is using other drugs so that the pharmacist will prescribe other medication effectively. In light of this, CAM medication therapy is often in use in combination with other conventional medicine, and its results is usually satisfactory, (Ventola, 2010).

CAMs Contraindicated with Diagnoses

CAM supplements require necessary examinations prior to diagnosis. These will enhance proper diagnosis and management of the infection. Diagnosis is usually done on the chronic diseases like the ones exhibited by Mr NX.
Prescription for Back Pain

Tylenol, an over the counter drug is recommended for use to reduce the back pains experienced by Mr NX. This drug is anti-inflammatory and non-nonsteroidal thus proper combinations with other drugs with no side effects, (Ulrich, 2016).
Changes in Prescribed Drugs

In the event of change with the prescribed drugs, Mr. NX will have to consult his doctor so that he will be able to get drugs that will sustain him throughout the medication.
Follow-Up Evaluations

Constant evaluation has to be done frequently to find out if the medication is effective in treatment and its ability to ease the pain and reduce the effects likely to come up with the chronic disease
Time Frame

The prescribed medicine will prove its course within the duration stated in the prescription. After the stated period, the pain will have been relieved.
Strategies for Evaluating Side/Adverse Effects

Adverse drug reactions have been identified to be the major cause of drug side effects. Without evaluation, it may lead to death or complications. After administering medication, the doctor has to follow up on the reactions and change prescription if necessary, (Loke, Price, & Herxheimer, 2007).



Loke, Y., Price, D., & Herxheimer, A. (2007). Systematic reviews of adverse effects: framework for a structured approach. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 7(1), 32. Retrieved from   

Ventola, C. (2010). Current Issues Regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the    United States: Part 1: The Widespread Use of CAM and the Need for Better-Informed Health     Care Professionals to Provide Patient Counseling. Pharmacy And Therapeutics, 35(8), 461.     Retrieved from