Personal Beliefs and health policy values custom essays

Personal Beliefs and health policy values custom essays
Society remains a setting where every individual is entitled to have a place and have
constant interaction. Human beings base their existence on values and beliefs that remain
inevitable regardless of their race, ethnicity or religious backgrounds. Individuals are beings who own their ideas since everyone has a different perspective on different aspects of life.
Interestingly, beliefs get measured and evaluated based on morals and ethics that always vary.
As primates, we hold different views based on real-life issues like religion, social, and moral aspects based on upbringing and the set up that facilitated our growth.

Personal Beliefs and health policy values custom essays
At a personal level, I view myself as a being that holds standard and acceptable spiritual
values and beliefs. Moreover, I consider other people's different perspectives. Healthcare
industry involves stakeholders with diverse views and beliefs as well. Therefore, it remains
imperative that the health sector should remain spiritually and culturally oriented to suit all and
sundry clients. (Holland, 2017).
The approach should continue universally and get stressed, especially in the U.S.A because her population is abundant in different background diversities.
The moral of the story is that some societies with unique cultural and religious backgrounds
often influence decision-making regarding healthcare choices. Due to the logistics involved in
resolving the ethical and moral dilemma that surround the diversity of religion and culture,
policy-making within the United States remains bound to stumbling blocks.
Relatively, the positivity of considering the difference in the healthcare sector is that established policies and laws amid according due respect and address different cultures and religion, is critical.
As an example, there is a controversy that is prominent regarding abortion. According to
Arousell and Carlbom (2016), abortion is a reproductive issue surrounded by cultural and
religious beliefs. It remains a subject of consideration in healthcare in that, those holding staunch

religious and cultural norms view it as a sin based on the sacred books' doctrines while some
societies with less conservativeness view it as an individual choice.
There is a risk of conflict in such circumstances when laws get drafted that are against those with less conservativeness.
My religious orientation is Christianity, and from this spiritual and personal values'
influence, I have a view regarding abortion and birth control. The Christian religion remains
against pregnancy termination. The holy bible states that, “children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s
youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. (Psalms 127:3-5). In circumstances where a child is conceived following rape, the fetus is just as innocent and precious as the victimized woman and it should not get aborted because of the rapist actions.
The church through its values teaches Christians that through mercy and love, a non-violent solution is essential for both in helping the victim to avoid committing violence against her child through abortion.
However, there are situations where women are allowed to undertake abortion according
to the Catholic Church including a doctor's declaration that pregnancy termination is essential to
prevent the risk of maternal life endangering. Moreover, in circumstances where there is rape,
medical attention is advised to avoid pregnancy by using approaches like taking the morning
after pill to prevent zygote formation. According to the Ethical and Religious Directives for
Catholic Health Care Services (#36), the catholic healthcare providers have an obligation to
provide the victims of rape immediate medical, spiritual and emotional care. Such care is
stressed amid preventing contraction of disease or conception of a child. (Guiahi, Sheeder, &
Teal, 2014).


Through personal reflection, I used to have a conservative perspective from my young
age regarding sensitive issues that involved cultural and religious beliefs. Progressively, I have
increased my awareness regarding diversities in society as I have become more tolerant, and I
accord due respect to other cultures and religious orientations. Health care systems have strived
to have values in place based on professional ethics and moral standards that take care of the
cultural and religious backgrounds across societies. The approach to the issue of abortion gets
primarily based on the complex ethical, cultural, social, political and spiritual dimensions.
Therefore, stakeholders are obliged to consider the spiritual aspects of individuals when making
impactful policies while weighing the beneficence and autonomy of health care ethics. However,
the current times exalt secularity where religious beliefs do not impact civil laws. (Moyo,
Goodyear-Smith, Weller, Robb, & Shulruf, 2016).
Taking an example from California, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law in 2013
that gave healthcare providers in midwifery to perform abortion only during the first trimester.
The woman had to provide consent before the procedure. Based on the assessment of the law,
religious beliefs and social values were taken into account to protect human lives but give a
wrong choice for individuals to undertake abortions. I would ensure that patient advocacy
remains a priority and assist the clients in obtaining emotional support regarding making choices
regarding this sensitive issue. (Baldacchino, 2015). More importantly, I would put my values
aside and accord such patients the respect based on their beliefs and values and make decisions
on the pregnancy.

As a nurse who represents the healthcare personnel, I deduce that some individuals
approach ethical dilemmas based on a secular perspective; while others decision-making get
based on religious values and the related doctrines. Neither of the approaches is superior to the
other. According to Rogers and Wattis (2015), wrong methods would entail basing religious
values ahead of other considerations in resolving situations arising from healthcare conflict.
Liberality in striving to learn from others is critical to enable people to have positive perspectives
on others' values.



Arousell, J., & Carlbom, A. (2016). Culture and religious beliefs in relation to reproductive
health. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 32, 77-87.
Baldacchino, D. (2015). Spiritual care education of health care professionals. Religions, 6(2),
Guiahi, M., Sheeder, J., & Teal, S. (2014). Are women aware of religious restrictions on
reproductive health at Catholic hospitals? A survey of women’s expectations and
preferences for family planning care. Contraception, 90(4), 429-434.
Holland, K. (2017). Cultural awareness in nursing and health care: an introductory text.
Moyo, M., Goodyear-Smith, F. A., Weller, J., Robb, G., & Shulruf, B. (2016). Healthcare
practitioners' personal and professional values. Advances in Health Sciences Education,
21(2), 257-286.
Rogers, M., & Wattis, J. (2015). Spirituality in nursing practice. Nursing Standard, 29(39), 51-