Legislation on Patient Directive

Legislation on Patient Directive

There are various problems in the society that I think they urgently need to be attended to by the formulation of the necessary legislation. There are various factors that affect the patient care and patient outcome. In this essay, the problem or the concern that will be dealt upon is on the patient directive(Klimek et al., 2015). There is the need to ensure that that there is coherence with regard to the issues that deal with patient’s directive. In recent years, there has been an increase in the cases where nurses are facing ethical dilemma when providing nursing care. In cases where there is coherence in issues where there are patient directives, it promotes the ability of the nurses to provide appropriate care to the patients.

Issues surrounding patient’s directive are critical in patient care. In many instances, patients have been admitted in the critical care unit with no information as to whether there was a Do not Resuscitate Order(Mentzelopoulos et al., 2015). I think issues regarding patient directives in the delivery of nursing care can legislated. There are other states that have legislated issues of patient directives. Legislation of patient directives is a possible action in the country today. The basic rationale for essence of the legislation is based on the increase in the patient’s understanding of their rights(Mentzelopoulos et al.,2015).

The primary problem that was identified was the increase in the ethical dilemmas that nurses offering patient care are facing with regards to the opaqueness in the manner in which patient directives is handled. There has also been the emerging issue where patients have sued the hospital in the cases where they had resuscitation done on them. It also becomes difficult for the nurses when providing care since it is in their instinct to try and save the patients.  It is an emerging problem in the society today(Klimek et al., 2015).

My proposal or idea on the issues regarding the problem is that there is the need for the clarity on the issues regarding the patient directives. I think that nurses ought to be trained on the nest way of handling patients with directives on how they can be handled in the cases where they need resuscitation. My idea on issues regarding patient directives is based on my life experience in practice. While I was practising as a nurse in the critical care set up, there was a patient who started gasping. As a team in the care setting we undertook the necessary resuscitative steps to help the patient(Klimek et al., 2015). The resuscitation was successful. Later the next day, the registered next of kin serviced the department with a Do Not Resuscitate Order. The other state such as Oregon have introduced the necessary legislation regarding the manner in which individuals involved in patient care should handle individuals with Do Not Resuscitate orders.

The legislation on issues regarding patient directives has financial implication to the hospitals. One of the implications is that hospitals are bound to lose significant amount of resources when there is strict adherence to the orders. Additionally, some hospitals may also lose through the legal suits that emanate from the patients suing the hospitals after they have had resuscitation. Some of the stakeholders that are likely to support the bill are the lobby groups that support the patients(Mentzelopoulos et al., 2015). The activists in the community are also likely to support the bill. The people or the groups that are likely that are likely to oppose the bill are groups of hospitals, religious organizations and the hospitals.








Klimek, L., Hammerbacher, A. S., Hellings, P. W., Fokkens, W. J., Hoffmann, H. J., Muraro, A., & Papadopoulos, N. (2015). The influence of European legislation on the use of diagnostic test allergens for nasal allergen provocation in routine care of patients with allergic rhinitis. Rhinology53(3), 260-269.

Mentzelopoulos, S. D., Mantzanas, M., Van Belle, G., & Nichol, G. (2015). Evolution of European Union legislation on emergency research. Resuscitation91, 84-91.