Is America the land of equal opportunity? Race and COVID 19 deaths

Is America the land of equal opportunity? Race and COVID 19 deaths. Disparities in healthcare
Your 300-500 word blog post must include:

A clear and detailed description of the situation you are referring to. (include sufficient detail to help readers follow along.)
A specific and clear connection between the situation you describe and AT LEAST one specific cultural product we have read/discussed in class.

Is America the land of equal opportunity? Race and COVID 19 deaths
The cultural product I chose was related to how race affects opportunity in America. ( Margaret Bourke-Whites photo – Breadline which I have downloaded). It basically shows how opportunities are affected by race /socioeconomic status in America.

Your 300-500 word blog post must include:

the link to the news source
A clear summary of is going on in the account with sufficient detail to help readers follow along.
A specific and clear connection between your discussion of the event and AT LEAST one specific cultural product we have read/discussed in class.
Links to news sources you might explore:

(I’ve put links to their COVID-19-specific pages -)

New York Times: (Links to an external site.)
Washington Post: (Links to an external site.)
The BBC (Links to an external site.)

Is America the land of equal opportunity? Race and COVID 19 deaths.
Please only use sources from the above reputable news sources.
You can use information on those sites that will show inequality as to why blacks in Newyork for example were dying more than whites.

Is America the land of equal opportunity? Race and COVID 19 deaths. A major goal of this course is to connect “traditional” texts and materials with the realities of lived experience (as many leading Am. Studies scholars do) in our goal to understand “American” identities. To this end you will all contribute to a class “blog” (in CANVAS) For this assignment you will be blogging (brief writing, nothing fancy!) about the links between our assigned course texts and activities/events/experiences happening on campus.

Is America the land of equal opportunity? Race and COVID 19 deaths


Your posts must be 250-300 words each.


Grades are earned based on

the thoroughness of your discussion/analysis of the event you are posting about.

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