Individual Screening

Directions: Review the clinician provider guidelines and recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force A and B Recommendations. For the MSN prepared nurse, knowledge of epidemiology and its application to preventive screening guidelines is important in many clinical areas: administrative, education, and nurse practitioner fields.

Individual Screening
Consider you are working in a clinic and need to order a preventive screening on a patient for one of the conditions listed below. (While this is a preventative measure, it also can be a diagnostic tool in other circumstances. For this Assignment the screening is a secondary prevention measure.)

Please select one screening, (I selected Individual Screening). Your screening methodology must come from the United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Colon Cancer
Diabetes Mellitus II
Lung Cancer
Find the Final Recommendation Summary for the screening you are evaluating. Explain the guideline, the correct application of the screening, and the epidemiology behind the guidance. Content should include epidemiologic data such as statistical information as available ex. morbidity, mortality, incidence and prevalence of condition. Identify the methodology and measures for screening. Include the risk factors, risk assessment, testing interval, description of the patient population,screening test recommendations and other factors relative to the guideline. Discuss the guideline’s support in a critical analysis, based on the outcomes of studies used in the screening guidance publication. What key factors are supported by evidence, such as age, methods, measures and intervals? Consider using the rubric sections as level one headings within the paper.

Individual Screening, Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners and all specialty nursing fields are contributors to health promotion in populations across the life span. You will demonstrate understanding and correct interpretations of preventive screening guidelines. You should be able to apply this knowledge to your specialty focus as it relates to health promotion and epidemiology.

This Individual Screening paper should be 3–4 pages, excluding your title page, and references. This paper should adhere to appropriate APA formatting and citation style.

DUE: to Dropbox on end of Day 7 of Unit 2.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient/Mastered Score Weight Final
0 -1.9 2 – 2.9 3 – 3.9 4 Score
Condition or type of screening methodology is not identified. Condition and type of screening methodology is selected but not clearly defined and has errors. Condition and type of screening methodology is selected but not defined. Condition and type of screening methodology is clearly defined. 4 10% 0.40
Epidemiology of condition is not identified. Epidemiology of condition is weakly discussed and may have errors. Epidemiology of condition is addressed; detail is limited Epidemiology of condition is well addressed; comprehensive and appropriately 4 10% 0.40
Methodology is not applied to a specific population. Methodology is properly applied to a specific population, may have errors or missing key elements of risks and related factors. Does not address testing measures Methodology is applied to a specific population addressing some risks and related factors; detail is limited. May not include positive measures or some features of measurement used. Methodology is properly applied to a specific population addressing risks and related factors. Measures of testing are included and supported 4 10% 0.40
United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines are not selected or identified. United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines are not applied appropriately to the screening methodology. Detail is limited. United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines are identified; detail is limited. United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines are identified correctly and are relevant to the screening methodology. 4 15% 0.60
No literature review included. Review is not comprehensive, little evidence of critical analysis and research. Review is present but not comprehensive, studies are represented, limited evidence of critical analysis. Provides appropriate literature support, derived from nursing scholarly journals and other social science literature, as evidence for their chosen screening. Discussion demonstrates critical analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the chosen screening methodology and guideline support. 4 25% 1.00
No literature review sources are included. Provides 1 scholarly source for literature support. Provides 3-2 scholarly sources for literature support. Provides 4 or more scholarly sources for literature support. 4 10% 0.40
APA format is not utilized. No obvious attempt made to cite ideas and information from other sources. There are consistent and repeated errors in rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation. There are consistent and repeated spelling and/or proofreading errors. Overall style is not at all consistent with formal, professional work. There are frequent repeated errors in consistency of the text, title page, and references page with APA format. There are numerous errors in which ideas and information from other sources are not cited correctly. There are numerous errors in rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation. There are numerous spelling and/or proofreading errors. Overall style is inadequate for formal, professional work; many areas needs need style improvement. There are some errors, but much of the text, title page, and references page is consistent with the APA format. Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly with few exceptions. Rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation are followed with few exceptions. Assignment has few spelling and/or proofreading errors. Overall style is adequate for formal, professional work; some areas need style improvement. Text, title page, and references page are consistent with APA format. Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly. Rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation are followed. Assignment is spellchecked and proofread. Overall style is demonstrates excellent consistency with that expected of formal, professional work. 4 20% 0.80
100% 4.00
Final Score 100
Percentage 100.00%
100 4

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