How to write a Nursing process Essay in 2023/24

How to write a Nursing process Essay in 2023/24

Do you need assistance with writing a nursing process essay but don’t know where to start? No need to worry. We understand that writing a nursing process essay can be challenging, requiring thorough research, technical knowledge, and effective communication with the audience. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to write a nursing process essay.

Writing a nursing assessment process essay involves several essential steps, each of which is crucial to the overall process. Before delving into the process itself, it is important to understand what a nursing process essay is and gain some tips for writing a good one.

Definition of a nursing process essay

A nursing process essay is a written piece that explains the step-by-step process of treating a patient, starting from the initial interview and assessment, through diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately the healing process. The nursing process focuses on providing patient care by identifying potential or existing health issues and developing a plan to meet the patient’s needs effectively.
Importance of the nursing process

It is crucial for nursing students to learn about the nursing process as it forms the foundation of their practice. Writing an essay on the nursing process helps students gain a deep understanding of the process and its significance in delivering quality care and achieving desired outcomes.

By following the nursing process, nurses are able to:

– Assess the overall health of the client and identify any existing or potential healthcare issues or needs.
– Prepare and plan to address the identified needs.
– Provide specific nursing interventions to meet those needs.
– Utilize the latest evidence-based practices in care to promote optimal health and well-being.
– Protect themselves from legal concerns related to nursing care by adhering to the criteria of the nursing process.
– Perform their duties in an organized and coordinated manner, ensuring efficient and effective care delivery.
– Create a comprehensive database containing relevant information about the patient’s health status, medical conditions, response to illness, and ability to manage healthcare needs.

The value of a nursing process essay

Many students wonder about the value of writing a nursing process essay in relation to the nursing profession. The answer is simple. The nursing process comprises essential steps that should be incorporated in the nursing profession, and writing an essay on the nursing process helps reinforce this understanding. The nursing process is instrumental in ensuring quality care and achieving desired outcomes.
Outline of a nursing process essay

1. Introduction

As healthcare providers, nurses are responsible for addressing the overall needs of their patients. This requires a holistic approach that considers not only the medical condition but also the patient’s psychological, spiritual, social, and physical well-being.

Addressing these challenges goes beyond critical thinking; it involves applying scientific approaches to identify patient problems and deliver appropriate care. The nursing process serves as the framework for assessment and implementation.

2. The nursing process

The nursing process is a vital tool for nurses when caring for patients in a hospital setting. It is a systematic, client-centered approach that helps nurses identify and address client-care issues. By effectively applying the nursing process, nurses can identify current and potential future difficulties.

Anticipating potential issues can help prevent complications and promote optimal outcomes. The nursing process consists of five interconnected steps: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Each step builds upon the previous ones and is dependent on their effectiveness.

Collaboration between the nurse and the patient is crucial in each phase of the nursing process. Since health conditions can change over time, the nursing process is an ongoing activity. The nurse continually evaluates, implements, introduces new interventions, and revises the care plan as needed.

The duration of the nursing process can vary from days to months or even years, depending on the patient’s current condition. Accurate and comprehensive information about the patient is essential in every step of the nursing process.
Steps in the nursing process essay

1. Assessment

The nursing process begins with establishing a bond between the patient and the nurse. This nurse-client interaction plays a significant role in determining the outcome of the process. The assessment phase starts with gathering information about the patient, which can be obtained from various sources. The primary source of information is the client themselves, who can provide insights into their personal health, illness experiences, and emotions.

Methods of data collection include:

– Health interview: This is the most common method used to gather essential information about the patient. The interview is a purposeful conversation aimed at obtaining relevant information. This stage may involve asking the patient about their medical history and developing a rapport with them.

– Physical examination: In addition to interviews, nurses may conduct physical examinations. This may involve gathering the patient’s health history, conducting a family history assessment, and making general observations. A thorough physical examination enables accurate diagnosis, evaluation, planning, and implementation of appropriate interventions.

– Observation: This assessment method involves using the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) to gather information about the patient. This information relates to the patient’s appearance, functioning, environment, and significant relationships. Sight is the primary sense used, but other senses can also provide valuable information, such as listening to lung sounds, feeling the pulse rate, and detecting any unusual odors.

– Data validation: Data validation is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. This can be done through double-checking and verification. It involves activities such as completing and verifying information, ensuring the accuracy and validity of subjective and objective data, clarifying vague statements, acquiring additional details, and differentiating between inferences and cues.

– Data documentation: After collecting all the necessary information, it is essential to sort and record the data. Accurate and organized record-keeping is vital for easy accessibility by the entire healthcare team and future reference. When writing a nursing essay on the nursing process, it is crucial to avoid common mistakes in data documentation.

2. Diagnosis

Once the nurse has gathered and organized the patient’s data, the diagnosis phase begins. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) maintains an official list of nursing diagnoses and interventions, defining nursing diagnosis as “a clinical judgment focusing on applying medical knowledge to determine potential or actual experiences and responses to health problems and life processes.”

Nursing diagnosis involves identifying both existing and potential health concerns based on the assessment data. Existing needs take priority over potential issues, not because they are less important, but because addressing current needs is crucial in preventing future problems. During the diagnostic stage, the nurse evaluates the assessment data to determine the patient’s capabilities and health issues. Data is processed, categorized, interpreted, and validated in this step. Classifying the data helps identify gaps that need to be addressed and assists in identifying trends and patterns. Validation ensures the accuracy of the data.

Errors in clinical diagnosis, such as faulty data interpretation or inadequate data, can lead to inappropriate nursing diagnostic statements. Collaboration with other healthcare professionals and sharing the findings help in addressing the patient’s problem effectively. It is essential to differentiate between nursing and medical assessments, as health assessment focuses more on treatment, while nursing diagnosis focuses on identifying responses to health and illness.

3. Planning

Once nurses have gathered patient data and identified their strengths and health issues, they can proceed to the planning phase. Nurses may consult with specialists to determine the most appropriate care plan for a specific patient. During the planning phase, the nurse collaborates with the patient and their family to prioritize nursing diagnoses.

Effective patient education and addressing their concerns are crucial at this stage, as it provides a clear understanding of what the patient needs to achieve their goals. Planning involves identifying the patient’s goals and expected outcomes, determining nursing actions that can assist the patient in achieving those goals, and communicating the care plan effectively.

It is important to ensure that the care plan is patient-centered rather than nurse-focused. The treatment plan will only be effective if the patient is committed to achieving the specified goals and outcomes. The active participation of the patient in the care plan is essential for achieving meaningful goals.

Validation of the care plan may be compromised if the patient refuses to participate. Collaboration among the patient, family, and caregiver is necessary to ensure valuable goals and a meaningful care plan. The initial evaluation occurs upon admission, and subsequent evaluations may occur as the patient’s condition and goals change. Ongoing planning takes place throughout the patient’s stay, while discharge planning focuses on preparing the patient for life after discharge.

In conclusion, writing a nursing process essay requires a systematic approach to address the patient’s needs effectively. The assessment phase gathers crucial information, followed by a diagnostic phase that identifies health concerns. Planning involves creating a patient-centered care plan, and implementation focuses on executing the plan. Finally, evaluation assesses the effectiveness of the care provided. By following these steps, nurses can deliver quality care and promote positive patient outcomes.

Types of planning

– Initial planning
– Ongoing planning
– Discharge planning


Once the nursing care plan has been formulated, the implementation phase begins. This phase tests the effectiveness of the care plan in helping the patient achieve their health goals, prevent illness, restore health, and cope with changes in functioning.

During implementation, the nurse regularly assesses the patient to determine the effectiveness of the interventions. Collaboration with the patient and their family is crucial in providing nursing care. Before performing any nursing action, the nurse should reassess the patient to ensure its continued necessity.

Nursing actions may change based on improvements or deteriorations in the patient’s health. It is important to communicate compassionately with the patient about their health status, as they have the right to know. Documentation plays a significant role during this period, allowing the nurse to assess and investigate the patient’s condition, while the patient can track their progress and identify areas for improvement in achieving their goals. After completing documentation, the nurse can consult with colleagues to explore alternative techniques that may be more effective.

Skills used in the implementation stage

– Cognitive skills: These intellectual skills involve understanding and learning the fundamental nursing procedures and knowledge necessary for patient care. They also encompass decision-making, clinical reasoning, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

– Interpersonal skills: These skills involve appropriate behavior, belief systems, and relating to others. Effective communication with fellow healthcare professionals and patients is crucial for successful implementation of the nursing process.

– Technical skills: These skills encompass purposeful hand skills such as administering injections, bandaging, lifting, moving, and repositioning clients. Competence and safe performance are essential in these activities.


The ongoing evaluation process begins after all the care plan activities have been carried out. In collaboration with the patient, the nurse assesses whether the goals/outcomes stated in the care plan have been fully met, partially met, or not met. This evaluation determines the effectiveness of the care provided and allows for modifications if necessary.

Based on the patient’s response to the care plans and achievements, the nurse determines whether to discontinue or continue the care plan. The evaluation aims to assess the overall progress of the patient and the quality of nursing care in helping them achieve their intended outcomes/goals.

By comparing the patient’s health condition with the monitoring tools in the nursing care plan, the nurse can determine the extent to which the goals/outcomes have been achieved. If minimal or no progress has been made, the nurse needs to revisit each previous stage. If the goal has been achieved, the care plan may be revised without adding further goals. Evaluation provides feedback and helps identify areas for improvement in nursing practice.


Implementing the nursing process correctly benefits both the patient and the nurse. It allows nurses to assess the effectiveness of their care and avoid mistakes or deficiencies in the care plan. Effective communication with healthcare professionals and patients is enhanced through the use of the care plan. Patients become active participants in their healthcare, gaining a sense of ownership.

While implementing the nursing process can be challenging, it is an effective approach that yields satisfactory results. Nurses are encouraged to use this process frequently, although external factors such as high patient workload can present challenges. Despite the inherent imperfections of being human, nurses find fulfillment in making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Importance of writing a nursing process essay

– Improves patient care and ensures desired outcomes
– Enhances critical thinking skills in recognizing and solving problems
– Improves the patient’s condition and identifies their health status
– Promotes responsibility and efficiency in nursing practice

Characteristics of the nursing process

– Patient-centered: Respecting the patient’s preferences, values, and needs in decision-making and treatment.
– Interpersonal: Building a therapeutic relationship between the nurse and patient, fostering mutual respect and effective communication.
– Collaborative: Working effectively in interprofessional teams and promoting shared decision-making and open communication for quality patient care.
– Cyclical and dynamic: The process is ongoing and interactive, with each phase influencing and being influenced by the others.
– Requires critical thinking: Applying critical thinking skills to identify issues and interventions for desired outcomes.

Nursing process essay examples

If you need more examples of nursing process essays, you can explore online resources or reach out to us for assistance. Reading multiple examples can help deepen your understanding of the concept.

In conclusion

Writing a nursing process essay is a complex task that requires a thorough understanding of the nursing process and its various stages. This article has provided a comprehensive guide on how to write a nursing process essay.

The essay typically consists of seven sections: introduction, assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conclusion. Each stage involves essential activities and considerations.

If you still need help with writing a nursing process essay, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our essay writing services cater to students at all levels and offer assistance at reasonable rates. Contact us for more information and support.