Ethical, Moral, and Legal Leadership

Ethical, Moral, and Legal Leadership

Introduction to conceptual frameworks of ethical constructs

Majority of nursing actions affect other people’s life and health. It is important to consider sensitivity to ethical, moral, and legal leadership in the nursing practice. Leadership comes along with a variety of challenges, it is a tedious undertaking to guide members with a diversity of ideas on how to deal with issues. Delivery of care in any health setting takes into account ethical, moral, and legal consideration. Ethical issues emerge depending on the society from which people come, their cultural beliefs and tradition.

There are ethical constructs that leaders need to look into for proper mobilization of the staff and quality service delivery. Deontological ethics focuses on judging actions themselves and not by their results. It looks at moral values and rightness or wrongness of the act. Teleological ethics refers to judging actions based on their results, it involves a purposive goal-oriented habit. Utilitarianism is associated with doing morally right actions for the overall benefit (Agle, Hart, Thompson, & Hendricks, 2014). Absolutism means things are either right or wrong. However, some actions may be more right or wrong than others and that is graded absolution…

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The purpose of this paper is to improve leadership based on ethical, moral, and legal considerations. To provide guidance on decision-making framework and in making choices that could work in the best interest of a large group of people. It is also purposed to shape the morality or ethics of individuals in a working environment. The paper considers ethical, moral and legal dilemmas that might arise and how to counter them. The paper is also aimed at improving leadership styles.

Ethical dilemma

An ethical paradox is a decision-making problem between two possible moral imperatives of which none of them is preferable….

Implications and role as a moral agent

Some of the ethical, moral and legal implications have been utilized in this situation. Ethical principles are in jeopardy in this case; the principle of non-maleficence and fidelity. That is to try and prevent harm to the patient as well as maintain faithfulness to my nursing duties and to the patient or avoid both. Failure to report the matter as a nurse it implies that I have betrayed the patient and the ethical principles…

Leadership styles

Based on my self-assessment, I identified some leadership styles portrayed in handling this situation…


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