Dealing With Difficult People and Situations in Healthcare

Dealing With Difficult People and Situations in Healthcare

Dealing With Difficult People and Situations
Inevitably as you build teams and lead groups you will encounter \”difficult\” people and situations. This application exercise provides practical suggestions and practice at skills to help you in these encounters.

First � Read the following:
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., & Horsfall, J. (2010). Identifying and addressing bullying in nursing. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(3), 331-335. doi: 10.3109/01612840903308531
Sullivan, E.J. (2013.) Becoming influential: A guide for nurses (2nd ed.). Chapter 10.

Second � Pretest your confrontation skills by doing the exercise in Box 10-1 in Sullivan (2013).

Third � Recall a confrontation you were involved in. Perhaps some of the examples in the Cleary et al. (2010) article remind you of situations you have been involved in? Using the steps suggested in the textbook describe how you handled this confrontation. Can you think of any way you could have improved you performance in this situation? Make notes in your course notes about strategies you could use the next time you experience a similar situation to this. Make a posting in the Unit 7 Conference regarding what you have learned in this application exercise. Comment specifically on what strategies you could use the next time you experience a similar situation.

Dealing With Difficult People and Situations in Healthcare

Fourth � Post-test your confrontation skills by doing the exercise in Box 10-2 in Sullivan

Pre-test Box 10-1

  1. I often get my feelings hurt by other people.

Since feedbacks and criticism would have not to be impolite not got my feeling hurt.

  1. I overlook other people’s behavior if I don’t like is?

It depends on a situation if behavior just not according to my beliefs and I don’t like that I will ignore that, but if that behaver is not suitable in the work environment I will speak to a person.

  1. It helps me to tell someone about another’s behavior rather than talking with the person directly. I prefer to talk to a person directly.

4-I often apologize for things that aren’t my fault.

Yes, I do that for simple things but in a serious situation, I will not apologize if it is not my fault.

  1. If something goes wrong, it’s seldom my fault.

 I don’t think like this, I will be responsible for my mistakes.

  1. I try to control myself when I’m angry, but often I can’t help yelling.

 I don’t yell. I try to tack a deep breath and be calm but sometimes not too easy to control myself.

  1. I expect other people to recognize when I’m upset.

No, I don’t want other peoples to know I am upset but sometimes the peers how work with a lot can recognize my behavior changed

8-If I tell someone I’m upset, I’m afraid the person will not like me anymore.

 It does not matter somebody like or doesn’t like me, I believe if somebody upset me I need to communicate and solve the problem.

9-If I have to tell people I’m upset, I imply that the problem is my fault so they won’t get their feelings hurt. I do not agree with this idea. I believe as a mature person we should be able to communicate and address conflicts.

  1. Identify the problem.

Last week I was in day shift in the surgical unit and I had a busy assignment with 5 post-op patient. I logged in my computer and started asses, my patient when I back to the nursing station to chart my founding I recognized somebody logged me off and using my system. I told her can I kindly ask you use the system we have for guests because I need to chart my patient vital sign (normally we don’t log out anybody from to system) she started  to yell at me and told me’’ I am using this system you think your job is  more important than me? I need to speak to the manager and left the unit.

  1. Tell how the problem is affecting you

At first, I just shocked by this kind of behavior and she left the unit so quick before I had a chance to tell anything. I was embarrassed and felt shame in front of my colleagues and keep asking myself why she did that.

  1. Say what you want to have happened? I asked our charge nurse do you now this leady?

He informed me she is in charge of the palliative patient and her office is on 3 my break time, I went to her office and spook with her about behavior and mentioned our unite rolls to using a computer.

3-Ask if the other person is willing to do what you asked. I ask her to be polite and professional in the work environment.

  1. Decide on follow-up.

After our discussion, she told me she didn’t know about rolls also she had a bad day with a patient family member. She apologized for yelling at doing this exercise I learned how to classification steps to deal with conflicts and how to manage this kind of situation.

Box 10-2: Post-Test Your Confrontation Skills

  1. I look people in the eye when speaking with them. Yes, I provided eye contact during a conversation in this way I can get another person’s attention.

 2. My facial expression is consistent with what I am saying. Yes, my facial expressions are reflected in what I am saying.

  1. I do not point my finger at others when I speak. No, I do that.
  2. 4. I speak loudly enough for others to hear. Yes, I always try to speak loud enough but naturally my voice is so soft. I try to use an electronic device drying my speech if it is possible.
  3. I do not giggle at the end of my sentences. No, in the workplace when I am in serious conversation I always professionally doing my job.
  4. 6. When talking with others, I do not play with my hair, tie, mustache, or jewelry; crack my knuckles, or play with my phone. No, I focus on my conversation.
  5. I don’t slouch, sway, or lean when standing. Not in serious conversation, if I feel anxiety I always make myself relax before starting a conversation.
  6. 8. I know the proper distance to stand when speaking with others. I always keep comfort distance when speaking with others
  7. I’m aware of what gestures I’m using. Yes, I control my gesture and using  body language during a conversation.
  8. I show that I am listening to others. Yes, I maintain eye contact, participate in a conversation and answer questions.

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