Asperger Syndrome

Asperger Syndrome

It is in the world domain that the human species is faced by many challenges. These challenges can be classified under natural disasters or man induced disasters. If we were to look at epidemics, we can say that the human species dwells in a world where at one time or the other one has to be attacked by an abnormal condition.  Abnormal conditions negatively affect some part or the whole body of an organism, preventing it from operating at its maximum potential (Jacobsen, 2003). When an organism experiences abnormal conditions it is said it is sick or has a disease.

There are many diseases in the world. Some are curable while others are not. For example, every since the discovery of Hiv/Aids, no cure has been engineered yet. However, the disease can be contained under medication, although it is not curable once it has attached itself on an organism. This case study seeks to address a disease that has continued to affect many humans ever since its discovery in the ancient times; The Asperger Syndrome. The Asperger syndrome, which also known as the Asperger disorder is neuro-development condition, associated with the high functioning part of the spectrum (Gillard, 2011). This disorder is associated with people in different ages; although scientists say that it is more prevalent in young children. The disorder is believed to involve alarming delays on skill developments in children, more so when it comes to the most basic ones. This disorder is believed to hinder growth of skills more in three essential categories. The syndrome is believed to involve delays in communication, ability to socialize with others freely and also the ability to use one’s imagination.

This syndrome is believed to be almost similar to other types of autism. The terminology “autism” is used to refer to a group of disorders, that also tend to inhibit developmental disabilities in young children and some individuals experience the same developments to their adulthood (Hendrickx, 2009). Disorders in the autism group affect individuals differently, with others even lacking essential intellectual skills, leading to various behavioral challenges. They also inhabit different developmental challenges in basic skills ranging from effective communication, forming friendship relations with other children and also socializing with their peers (Gillard, 2011). That is why the Asperger syndrome belongs to this category as it also tends to inhabit delayed development in the above basic skills. Individuals suffering from this syndrome tend to inhibit different, characteristics although they may also vary in the degree in which they are portrayed by an individual. According to Beardon & Edmonds (2008) they include;

  • Children with the Asperger syndrome tend to lack reciprocal conversation, or lack of eye contact as other scientists would call it.
  • They also tend to portray awkward mannerisms/movements.
  • Others make one-sided conversations.
  • Most of them also make repetitive or “robotic” speeches
  • Some fail to understand emotional/social issues more so when accompanied by non-literal phrases.
  • Some of them tend to have inappropriate or limited social interactions.
  • Some tend to always talk about themselves, other than talking about their friends since some do not even have friends.
  • Others face challenges in making non verbal communications (use of facial expressions and other gestures).
  • Others develop interests in rather unusual and specific topics obsessing with them.
  • Children with the Asperger syndrome also tend to dislike changes in issues that they had adopted as routine.

The above information should not be confused as the means of diagnosing the Asperger syndrome, although it may be of help in understanding a child’s behavior.

This conditions is significantly hard to detect more so in the early years of childhood (Frith, 1991). However, once the children attain the right age to go to school it becomes relatively easy to detect it. This is because; individuals with this syndrome face significant challenges with their school work. Others even continue to experience the same syndrome in their adulthood; in their workplaces and also in the way the lead their personal lives (Edmonds & Beardon, 2008). In fact, this condition may go unnoticed in grownups. It is not uncommon that this disease in adulthood would only be detected when an adult is seeking issues on other related matters. These matters my either be depression, anxiety or even anger management. The diagnosis of this disease primarily lies on socialization challenges.  Children with this syndrome sometimes tend to inhibit exceptional or even typical language development skills.  These skills may come out when children are trying to make conversations with their peers, sometimes making inappropriate or awkward statements. Other young children with this condition are also extremely talented in particular subjects like math or even in science.

The symptoms that are associated with the Asperger syndrome sometimes even end up being confused with the ones found in other conditions like the Attention Deficient Hyperactivity syndromes (ADHD). In fact, most are the times that individuals who were diagnosed with the ADHD in their early ages end up being diagnosed with the Asperger syndrome (Frith, 1991). This is because, since the two conditions tend to inhibit almost similar characteristics, it becomes relatively easy to confuse their challenges. This is until later in adulthood after a therapist or a medical practitioner is in a position to establish that the problem might not even be attention related, other than the inability to socialize. Sometimes, individuals with the Asperger syndrome find it relatively hard to initiate conversations with their pers. Therefore, they may initiate conversations through relative facts about a topic that may be connected to a particular point of interest. Sometimes this situation may even be serious to a position where such an individual will not allow other to speak on that topic, and they may even resist giving room to others points of view on the matter. Sometimes these individuals even go on to speak, even when it is clear that their peers may not be interested in the topic, or even when they are no longer listening (Beardon & Edmonds, 2008). They might never even notice that their peers are no longer interested in their facts. Therefore, one can conclude simply that they lack people to socialize with because it may be hard for them to see issues from other peoples’ perspective.

Other than the above, there are also other common symptoms that are associated with the Asperger syndrome. One of the most common symptoms of the Asperger syndrome is that individuals with the conditions may fail to understand other people’s intent with their statements, behaviors, words or even action (Gillard, 2011). In such a situation, a person with the Asperger syndrome may fail to understand humor and other implications behind a statement, behavior, word or even an action. This can be witnessed in children and also at adulthood. On top of that, these individuals also find it hard to respond to instinctually nonverbal cues like frown, smile and other motions.

Therefore, these reasons make an individual with the Asperger syndrome get confused in situations that make others find humor, or even develop interest in comic topics. On top of that, these individual miss why social interactions are so overwhelming to their peers, and they may always be confused (Edmonds & Beardon, 2008). This also means that they may not be able to approach issues from another persons’ point of view, becoming extremely challenging for them to understand their actions, words, or even the intent of their behavior. Individuals with the Asperger syndrome also faced with another challenging factor when dealing with another person’s point of view in regard to an action. For instance, during a conversation, they may fail to understand what is inappropriate and what is not, meaning that they may adopt some words or some actions that may be vulgar or abusive to their peers. We all know that no one likes people who make inappropriate comments or actions that may not rhyme with the scenario in question. However, some of the people who do that are not usually at fault as they may have the Asperger syndrome.

On top of that, individuals with the Asperger syndrome may fail to understand why they are required to speak quietly in some situations, and be allowed to shout as loud as they want in others. Examples of such situation may be witnessed when an individual with the Asperger syndrome my not understand why they were “shushed” if they walked in a room with a sleeping baby or even in a church (Gillard, 2011). Other individuals even go ahead to speak loudly in unusual intonations. These behavior are also associated with other peculiar mannerism that may be hard for their communities to understand. For instance, it is not uncommon for people with the Asperger syndrome to experience challenges in trying to control their emotions. Therefore, individuals with the condition may laugh or cry easily, sometimes even at inappropriate times (Jacobsen, 2003).

There are also other awkward situations that scientists have come to tag as universal when dealing with individuals with the Asperger syndrome. One of the situations would be delayed motoring skills. This is more so witnessed early in childhood, where a child may find difficulties in different playfield situations (Frit, 1991). For instance, there are children who take a long time in learning how to catch a ball, or even make a card’s house. Other may even show delayed learning skills on how to swing on a monkey bar, despite their peers’ rigorous attempts to teach them how to do the same. These are some of the delayed basic skills that are associated with the Asperger syndrome. However, it is essential to learn that not every person with the Asperger disease displays these characteristics.  Besides, as earlier mentioned, these characteristics may also vary widely among persons with the syndrome.

When it comes to treatment of the above condition, it is essential to note that there is no none cure as of yet (Hendrickx, 2009). However, scientists continue to do research in this field as they hope that a cure would be found for individuals suffering from this syndrome, as well as other autism conditions. Therefore, as of now, there is no cure for the Asperger syndrome or any other of the autism spectrum disorders. Individuals with the Asperger condition are taken through an ideal treatment method that coordinates interventions and other therapies, targeting the specific need of the individual in question (Beardon & Edmonds, 2008). The treatment method also varies just like the way the behaviors vary in individuals with the Asperger syndrome. Therefore, there is no universal treatment plan that is offered to all Asperger syndrome patients. Children and adults with the syndrome are treated differently in respect to the characteristics that they show (Jacobsen, 2003). However, many medical practitioners believe that early intervention before an individual reaches adulthood is always the best.

In treatment, health care professionals agreed that any effective treatment program for individuals with the Asperger syndrome should have some essential characteristics. For starters, the treatment program should primarily build on a patient’s interest, engage the individual actively in highly structured activities, and also teach an individual how to achieve basic tasks through simple steps (Beardon & Edmonds, 2008). They also agree that the program should also provide behavior reinforcement on a regular basis. Therefore, according to Gillard (2011) the program incorporates the following as par the above guidelines;

  • Training in social skills. This is by most preferably forming a group therapy that would be useful in teaching children on the need of interacting with other children successfully.
  • Cognitive behavior therapy. This is by initiating a “talk” more so with young patients (children), which can help them to gain more control of their emotions. This “talk” can also be directed to getting the young children let go of their routines, and also their obsession in particular interests.
  • In some situations it is necessary to initiate medication more so when dealing with issues that came with the Asperger syndrome. These issues may be like anxiety, depression and sometimes anger.
  • Occupational and physical therapy. This step is adopted in the program more so when it comes to children with poor motor coordination and other sensory integration problems.
  • Specialized speech/language therapy. This step is adopted in this program to teach children on the situations in which to or not to use particular terminologies. On top of that, they are also taught on other situations that involve pragmatics of speech, more so when a therapist initiates a “give and take” conversation.
  • Parent training and support. This is one of the most essential stages that is adopted in child’s treatment program. This involves a parental and family support on the right behavioral techniques to adopt at home or even in other parental situations.

The last point is essentially critical, as the family of an individual with this syndrome has to assist them in achieving many tasks of their day to day activities (Jacobsen, 2003). This is more so when the individual with the syndrome is a child, who may not even be aware of what to do in many situations. A good example would be a point highlighted above. It states that individuals with this condition may have motoring challenges. In such a situation, a child with this condition may not know what is expected of them in achieving a task that seem so easy since other children can do it, and yet so difficult for an individual may not know what is expected of them. Taking for example a child who would want to swing with his her peers on a monkey swing, but he/she is not sure what one is supposed to do, it is the family’s job to make sure that they teach such an individual on what to do (Gillard, 2011). This is more so on where to hold, and also where to hook their legs or any other parts of the body.

On top of that, the above research shows that children with this syndrome also fail to initiate social interactions. Well, the other children of the family can help their sibling with this condition to socialize with their friends (Edmonds & Beardon, 2008). They could introduce them to their friends and even invite them to play other than casting them aside in their activities. This would help boost the esteem of a child with the Asperger syndrome, and also develop interest in wanting to learn more of what others may be doing. On top of that, it may be inevitable for other children to notice that one of their own may speak inappropriately or even have difficulties in other activities. A good family member should always explain why their sibling has difficulties in achieving the same. This would help the other children understand a kid with this syndrome, sometimes even offering help to the sick child (Jacobson, 2003). In the society, there are many support programs that are for children with this condition as well as other autism syndromes. These programs call for self-awareness and therapy for individuals with this condition and other autism syndromes. Therefore, family members should be on the front line to help siblings with this syndrome to receive therapy and other support programs, so that they can also help in building our society.

There are many children who have been successfully treated and others are undergoing treatment for the same. For instance, I know a neighbor of mine by the name of Richard, 4 years old boy, who was diagnosed with autism even before he started school. Richard’s mother sought help from a firm that dealt with cognitive behavior therapy.  On top of that, his mother also sued Richards’s school who had refused to carry out her son’s assessment on his needs. After a while, the tribunal ruled for the necessary assessment on Richard to be done on the Asperger syndrome grounds. After the assessments, Richard was placed in another specialist school, which deals with children with the Asperger syndrome.

As of today, Richard has settled in his new school. Through their schools teaching system which promotes inclusive teaching, he has even made new friends. His parent even tells me that the boy has a small note book that contains his friends’ telephone numbers. She says that he calls them from time to time for friendly chat and even for fun. She says she is not worried about the telephone bill of anything of the sort; all she cares about is watching her son a normal childhood. Richard’s mother also says that it has even become easier for her to go out with him in the park and other recreational places for he has developed confidence even in his motoring capabilities. Therefore, looking at this example, it is clear that family support and incorporation of other support programs is essential in dealing with individuals with the Asperger syndrome.


Beardon, L., & Edmonds, G. (2008). Asperger syndrome and social relationships: Adults speak out about Asperger syndrome. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Edmonds, G., & Beardon, L. (2008). Asperger syndrome and employment: Adults speak out about Asperger syndrome. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Frith, U. (1991). Autism and Asperger syndrome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gillard, A. (2011). Asperger syndrome. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning.

Hendrickx, S. (2009). Asperger syndrome and employment: What people with Asperger syndrome really really want. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Jacobsen, P. (2003). Asperger syndrome and psychotherapy: Understanding asperger perspectives. London: Jessica Kingsley.