Nursing Implementation plan

Implementation Plan.


Implementation plan gives a nurse leader a platform that guides one’s moves that allows leading of nursing colleagues. A nurse leader is tasked with the responsibility of making a significant contribution to the healthcare sector that can allow care user to benefit from them. In getting to the required changes that nursing profession needs, the nurse leader must have various qualities (Grohar-Murray, DiCroce & Langan, 2016). The strengths and weaknesses that surround these qualities have an impact on the nursing profession as a whole.

Personal and professional accountability.

One of the significant strengths that keeps me moving in nursing is the fact that I usually have the urge to improve my competency and knowledge concerning the nursing field that will always enable me to provide the best nursing care to the patients. This urge has always pushed me to be consistent in advancing my education level so that I can always be a solution to the patients’ needs and care deficits. Besides the educational advancement, I am always reserved to learn from fellow nurses who have been in the field and had experience in practice. I also do create an open culture within my area of practice that enables me to undertake my duties without fear of their outcome and as a learner where I ask what am not sure of as well as embracing discussion of patient care with the team leaders to ensure the patient receives quality care which is also safe (Manuel & Crowe, 2014).

In delivering the care patients, I usually uphold to institutional policies as well as guidelines that are put in place such as evidence-based practice and patient-centered care. This allows me to remain within the professional context of maintaining professionalism. At the same time, I do own up my mistakes but do borrow from them so that I don’t engage in the same acts again. My area of improvement, in this case, is the self-blame that usually befalls me in association with my mistakes. I also have a weakness in objecting most of the suggestions from others, and that creates a difficult time in incorporating their issues into my schedule.

Career planning.

My career planning is usually composed of programmed advancement of knowledge that is related to nursing so that I always remain updated to the needed education levels that makes me ready to grab the opportunities that are available. Besides this, I always keep to a three-year plan of the place where I practice my nursing career. This allows me to plan and settle to undertake my nursing duties without disruption (Waddell et al., 2015). In case of change, I am usually good at adjusting to fit the various situations that arise in the process.

Besides being a registered nurse, I am looking up to furthering my study to become a critical care and renal nurse. In my planning, I have a challenge in managing my time due to poor time management skills and this has made me have a rough time to plan for my studies due to the tight schedule that comes in with the concurrent nursing job.

Personal journey disciplines.

As a nurse manager and leader, the personal journey disciplines gives a nurse practitioner to be equipped with skills to enable him or her to lead the nursing team. In most instances, I have worked as a team leader in various shifts as well as being in-charge of various units. In these moments, I have always provided an environment where the views of each team member are taken into account. At the same time, I usually allow each member to take charge of their areas of specialization which allows them to also lead in their areas of practice. In the long run, various styles of leadership are put into use bettering the nursing care services. One of my weakne3sses is that I do place high expectations from all the other staffs who take the leadership roles regarding their performance. This makes me frustrated when they do not perform in what they are tasked with.

Reflective practice.

It refers to the putting into action and being equipped with knowledge on the leadership behaviors. I usually maintain professionalism at and from work which is a good practice that should be embraced by all other nurses. This ranges from integrity to professional image which indeed has made other staff members feel that I am strict and that I impose my ideas on them.

Change in the workplace.

I feel that I need to harmonize both my strengths and weaknesses to ensure I create an enabling environment that allows for quality and safe nursing services to be provided. I opt for embracing of an open culture in my unit to allow the healthcare providers to discuss the patient care before embarking on their provision. Also, mistakes are done by the healthcare providers not to be avenues for victimization but indicators for professional development through retraining and education. Such events ought to be discussed with patients also. In the long haul, healthcare providers together with the care users will interact freely with quality and safe nursing services offered to them (Grohar-Murray, DiCroce, & Langan, 2016).

Personal goal: Strategic thinking.

Strategic thinking allows for a nurse to have a vision and go beyond the face view of circumstances. With my weaknesses, I am focused to consider them as areas of improvement and develop skills that enable me to overcome them. Particularly on the issues of regrets and self-blame, I intend to spend time on resolving issues so that when I am done with the problem at hand, I get satisfied that the mistake I curried out got a remedy.


Nursing leadership goes beyond working through people but need other abilities ranging from personal and professional accountability, career planning, strategic thinking and reflective practices. Evaluation and adjustments of these areas allow for effective leadership.




Grohar-Murray, M. E., DiCroce, H. R., & Langan, J. C. (2016). Leadership and management in

nursing. Pearson.

Manuel, J., & Crowe, M. (2014). Clinical responsibility, accountability, and risk aversion in

mental health nursing: A descriptive, qualitative study. International journal of mental

health nursing, 23(4), 336-343.

Waddell, J., Spalding, K., Canizares, G., Navarro, J., Connell, M., Jancar, S., … & Victor, C.

(2015). Integrating a career planning and development program into the baccalaureate

nursing curriculum: Part I. Impact on students’ career resilience. International journal of

nursing education scholarship, 12(1), 163-173.