Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Objective Data Collection
Normal head shape and no signs of injury.
Injury to the scalp from trauma.
Hair Distribution (1/3 point)
Hair spread evenly across the scalp.
Hair loss in the center of the scalp.
Hair loss pattern similar to that seen in males.
Scalp Epidermis (1/3 point)
The top layer of skin on the scalp is unharmed.
Skin on the scalp showing signs of flaking.
Examination of Eyes (1 of 1 point)
Left Eye Orbit Area (1/8 point)
No unusual findings visible.
Dark circles under the eyes due to allergies.
Bulging eyes.
Swelling of the eyelids.
Skin lesion.
Drooping of the eyelid.
Left Eye Sclera (1/8 point)
White color.
Yellowing of the white part of the eye.
Redness of the white part of the eye.
Redness due to irritation.
Left Eye Conjunctiva (1/8 point)
Moist and pink.
Pale appearance.
Dryness visible.
Discharge from the conjunctiva of the left eye (1/8 point)
No discharge present.
Clear, watery fluid coming out.
Thick, pus-like discharge.
Right Eye Orbit Area (1/8 point)
No abnormal signs visible.
Dark circles under the eyes due to allergies.
Bulging eyes.
Swelling of the eyelids.
Skin lesion.
Drooping of the eyelid.
Right Eye Sclera (1/8 point)
White color.
Yellowing of the white part of the eye.
Redness of the white part of the eye.
Redness due to irritation.
Right Eye Conjunctiva (1/8 point)
Moist and pink.
Pale appearance.
Dryness visible.
Discharge from the conjunctiva of the right eye (1/8 point)
No discharge present.
Clear, watery fluid coming out.
Thick, pus-like discharge.
Examination of Ears (1 of 1 point)
Left Ear Auditory Canal Color (1/6 point)
Pink color.
Red color.
Appearance of the eardrum in the left ear (1/6 point)
No abnormal signs visible.
Fluid accumulation observed.
Visible scars present.
Bulging of the eardrum.
Perforation of the eardrum.
Retraction of the eardrum.
Discharge from the left ear (1/6 point)
No discharge present.
Earwax buildup.
Clear fluid coming out.
Blood-stained fluid coming out.
Thick, pus-like discharge.
Right Ear Auditory Canal Color (1/6 point)
Pink color.
Red color.
Appearance of the eardrum in the right ear (1/6 point)
No abnormal signs visible.
Observations of Nose (1 of 1 point)
Color of the nose (1/4 point)
Pink color.
Pale color.
Bluish color.
Nasal Discharge (1/4 point)
No discharge present.
Clear fluid coming out.
Blood-stained fluid coming out.
Thick, pus-like discharge.
Openness of the nasal passages (1/4 point)
Nasal passages are clear.
Decreased airflow through the nose.
Nasal passages are blocked.
Additional observations (1/4 point)
No other visible abnormal findings.
Foreign object lodged in the nose.
Nasal polyp.
Perforation of the nasal septum.
Deviated nasal septum.
Skin examination, Arms (1 of 1 point)
Left Arm (1/2 point)
Skin is well moisturized.
Skin shows flaking of the top layer.
Skin shows extensive scaling of the deeper layers.
Right Arm (1/2 point)
Skin is well moisturized.
Skin shows flaking of the top layer.
Skin shows extensive scaling of the deeper layers.
Examination of the Thyroid (1 of 1 point)
Thyroid gland (1/1 point)
No enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Goiter present.
Auscultation of Breathing Sounds (1 of 1 point)
Breathing Sounds (1/3 point)
Breathing sounds heard in all areas.
Breathing sounds diminished in some areas.
Breathing sounds absent in some areas.
Abnormal Breathing Sounds (1/3 point)
No abnormal breathing sounds.
Wheezing heard.
Fine crackling sounds heard.
Stridor heard.
Rhonchi heard.
Rales heard.
Location of Abnormal Breathing Sounds (1/3 point)
No abnormal sounds heard.
Abnormal sounds heard in the upper right lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the middle right lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the lower right lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the upper left lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the lower left lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the upper back right lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the lower back right lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the upper back left lung area.
Abnormal sounds heard in the lower back left lung area.
Auscultation of Heart Sounds (1 of 1 point)
Heart Sounds (1/2 point)
First and second heart sounds audible.
First, second, and third heart sounds audible.
First, second, and fourth heart sounds audible.
All heart sounds audible.
Additional Heart Sounds (1/2 point)
No extra heart sounds heard.
Heart murmurs heard.
Friction rubs heard.
Valve clicks heard.
Assessment of Cranial Nerves (1 of 1 point)
Testing of Cranial Nerves (1/1 point)
Cranial nerves II-XII functioning normally.
Facial asymmetry observed.
Difficulty speaking observed.
Abnormal eye movements observed.
Assessment of Upper Muscle Strength (1 of 1 point)
Sensation in Hands (1/2 point)
Normal sensation felt.
Decreased sensation felt.
Strength Test by Squeezing (1/2 point)
0 – No muscle response.
1 – Barely detectable muscle response.
2 – Movement with gravity removed.
3 – Movement against gravity.
4 – Movement against gravity and resistance.
5 – Full movement against resistance without tiring (normal).
Assessment of Lower Muscle Strength (1 of 1 point)
Hip Strength (1/1 point)
0 – No muscle response.
1 – Barely detectable muscle response.
2 – Movement with gravity removed.
3 – Movement against gravity.
4 – Movement against gravity and resistance.
5 – Full movement against resistance without tiring (normal).
Palpation of Hair (1 of 1 point)
Hair Thickness (1/3 point)
Hair is of normal thickness.
Hair is thin.
Hair is excessively thick.
Hair Integrity (1/3 point)
Hair remains intact when touched.
Hair falls out when touched.
Hair Shaft Integrity (1/3 point)
Hair shaft does not break when touched.
Hair shaft breaks when touched.
Palpation of the Thyroid (1 of 1 point)
Observations (1/2 point)
No abnormal findings felt.
Nodules present.
Enlargement present.
Irregularity present.
Tenderness reported.
Checking the Pill Bottle (1 of 1 point)
Medication Name (1/1 point)
Brand name of medication listed.
Generic name of medication listed.
NURS-6052N EVIDENCE-BASED PROJECT, PART 3: Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template
- Normocephalic and atraumatic
- Traumatic scalp injury
- Normal hair distribution
- Central scalp hair loss
- Male-pattern hair loss
- Scalp epidermis intact
- Scaling of scalp epidermis
- No visible abnormal findings
- Allergic shiners
- Exophthalmos
- Eyelid edema
- Lesion
- Ptosis
- White
- Scleral icterus
- Scleral erythema
- Injected
- Moist and pink
- Pale
- Dry appearance
- Erythema
- Edema
- Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Objective Data
- No discharge
- Clear, watery discharge
- Purulent discharge
- No visible abnormal findings
- Allergic shiners
- Exophthalmos
- Eyelid edema
- Lesion
- Ptosis
- White
- Scleral icterus
- Scleral erythema
- Injected
- Moist and pink
- Pale
- Dry appearance
- Erythema
- Edema
- No discharge
- Clear, watery discharge
- Purulent discharge
- Pink
- Red
- Pallor
- No visible abnormal findings
- Fluid observed
- Visible scars
- Bulging
- Perforation
- Retraction
- No discharge
- Cerumen
- Clear discharge
- Bloody discharge
- Purulent discharge
- Pink
- Red
- Pallor
- No visible abnormal findings
- Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Objective Data
- Fluid observed
- Visible scars
- Bulging
- Perforation
- Retraction
- No discharge
- Cerumen
- Clear discharge
- Bloody discharge
- Purulent discharge
- Pink
- Pale
- Erythemic
- Bluish
- No discharge
- Clear discharge
- Bloody discharge
- Purulent discharge
- Patent
- Decreased patency
- Not patent
- No additional visible abnormal findings
- Foreign body present
- Polyp
- Septum perforated
- Septum deviated
- Lesion
- Moist and pink
- Dry appearance
- Erythemic
- No visible abnormal findings
- Edema
- Erythema
- Pink
- Erythemic
- Skin well hydrated
- Epidermal flaking noted
- Extensive dermal scaling noted
- Skin well hydrated
- Epidermal flaking noted
- Extensive dermal scaling noted
- No goiter appreciated
- Goiter present
- Present in all areas
- Diminished in some areas
- Absent in some areas
- No adventitious sounds
- Wheezing
- Fine crackles
- Stridor
- Rhonchi
- Rales
- All areas clear
- Adventitious sounds in anterior right upper lobe
- Adventitious sounds in anterior right middle lobe
- Adventitious sounds in anterior right lower lobe
- Adventitious sounds in anterior left upper lobe
- Adventitious sounds in anterior left lower lobe
- Adventitious sounds in posterior right upper lobe
- Adventitious sounds in posterior right lower lobe
- Adventitious sounds in posterior left upper lobe
- Adventitious sounds in posterior left lower lobe
- S1 and S2 audible
- S1, S2, and S3 audible
- S1, S2, and S4 audible
- S1, S2, S3, and S4 audible
- No extra sounds
- Gallops
- Murmur
- Friction rub
- Valve clicks
- Cranial nerves II-XII intact
- Facial asymmetry noted
- Dysarthria noted
- Abnormal eye movements noted
- Expected sensation
- Decreased sensation
- 0 – No muscle contraction
- 1 – Barely detectable contraction
- 2 – Active movement with gravity eliminated
- 3 – Active movement against gravity
- 4 – Active movement against gravity and resistance
- 5 – Active movement against full resistance without fatigue (normal)
- 0 – No muscle contraction
- 1 – Barely detectable contraction
- 2 – Active movement with gravity eliminated
- 3 – Active movement against gravity
- 4 – Active movement against gravity and resistance
- 5 – Active movement against full resistance without fatigue (normal)
- Hair has normal thickness
- Hair is thin
- Hair has excessive thickness
- Hair intact with palpation
- Hair falls out with palpation
- Hair shaft does not break with palpation
- Hair shaft breaks with palpation
- No palpable abnormal findings
- Nodules
- Enlarged
- Irregular
- None reported
- Tenderness reported
- Brand name medication listed
- Generic name medication listed
- Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Objective Data