Analysis of Covariance
Analysis of Covariance
The use of analysis of covariance in the medical world has gained ground in the recent years. Such is the case given its possibility to establish causality of various covariates on the effect on the dependent variablesafter the completion of a study(Burns, Grove, & Gray, 2011). A phenomenon of this kind is of the essence in the carrying out of post hoc studies since it offers statistical control. An exploration of this benefit of ANCOVAin post hoc studies is the subject of interest to this discussion. Also, citation of an example of this phenomenon is central to this discussion.
To begin with, an explanation of the assertion that the ANCOVA has the potential to offera statistical control in post hoc tests or analysis is vital in understanding ANCOVA. Post hoc tests refers to the analyses done after conclusion of the main study to establish the causality of other independent variables known as confounding variables on the effect seen in dependent variables. As such, the ANCOVA is suitable in this regard, as it seeks to establish the effect of treatment administered after the determination of the effect of confounding factors on the dependent variable(Burns, Grove, & Gray, 2011). Clearly, this is reason enough to say that ANCOVA offers post hoc studies statistical control.
That said, an example befitting of this property of the ANCOVA is on exhibition through a study on the effect of Viagra on the libido of an individual. In this study, it is imperative to note that other factors that can contribute to either the increase or reduction in the libido level of an individual exist. Such factors may include but not limited to age of an individual and antidepressant drugs that an individual is using. In such a case, determining the effect of the treatment Viagra is only possible through ANCOVA after the removal of the effect of the confounding variables(Burns, Grove, & Gray, 2011).
In conclusion, the ANCOVA is an important element that health care professional must understand how it works for proper utilization.
Burns, N., Grove, S., & Gray, J. (2011).Understanding nursing research (1st ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier/Saunders.