APA 7 Sample

APA 7 Sample

APA 7 Sample

Title of the Paper in Full

Student Name

Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Masters of Science in Nursing), Walden University

COURSE XX: Title of Course

Instructor Name

Month XX, 202X

APA Sample 7


This is the abstract, which is formatted in block style with no indentation. Not every course paper requires an abstract. Please consult your instructor if you have concerns about whether an abstract is required for a specific assignment. In 250 words or fewer, the abstract provides a concise summary of the document. Through your abstract, your audience should be able to thoroughly comprehend the paper’s material and implications. Also, keep in mind that composing this section after the paper itself may be advantageous. Refer to section 2.9 of APA 7 and the Abstracts page of the Writing Center’s website for advice and additional information on writing abstracts.


The paper’s complete title

When you obtain a template from Walden, the first step is to save it to your computer using the Save As command. When you Save As, you must relocate the file to a different location on your computer. The Download subdirectory should not house any documents. When you are ready to use the template for a paper, you will access it and save it as APA 7 Sample as soon as you open it. Once you have renamed the document, you can securely use the Save command to save it as you type.


This template’s margins, page numbers, and page breaks have already been determined, so you do not need to modify them. Do not add any excess spaces between the heading and the text (tip: check the Spacing setting under Format, Paragraph in your word processor and ensure that it is set to 0″). Instead, use a standard double space, indent 12 inch (preferably using the tab key), and begin typing. Do not use the space bar to create paragraph indents. Instead, use the Tab key or the Paragraph settings so that the first line of each paragraph is automatically indented. While APA permits authors to select a font that is “accessible to readers” (American Psychological Society, 2020, p. 44) and offers a few recommended font types and sizes (see Section 2.19), this template employs Times New Roman size 12. Because readers presume that the first section serves as the introduction, the introduction should not have a specific heading.

After contemplating these formatting issues, you must compose a thesis statement that explains how you synthesized the literature into a treatise that can advance a new point of view. This statement provides readers with a lens through which to interpret the evidence you will present in the body of your essay (each paragraph’s evidence should support and apply to the thesis statement).


Begin composing the introduction once you have established your thesis. Following is a simple format for composing an introduction:

Begin with what has been said or done about the topic.
Clarify the issue with what has been said or done APA 7 Sample.
Offer a solution in a clear thesis statement that can be supported by evidence.

Heading level 1

This text will be the commencement of the essay’s body. Even though this section has a new heading, be sure to link it to the previous section so that the reader can follow your ideas and evidence. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that summarizes its primary idea. Ensure that each paragraph contains a single topic, which will help you establish a distinct scope for each paragraph. If you find yourself drifting to a new thought, be careful to start a new paragraph. You can organize and conceptualize your paragraphs using the MEAL outline. Briefly, consider our paragraphs in this manner: new thought, new paragraph.

Another Level 1 Title

Another Level 1 heading appears below. Note that when adding additional headings, you should use the APA levels located in the Styles section of your toolbar. If you input them manually, you may need to delete the automatic indentation that appears because Word assumes you’re starting a new paragraph. Again, the topic sentence of this section should explain how this paragraph relates to or is a consequence of what you discussed in the previous section. Consider using transitions between sentences to aid the reader in recognizing the connections between ideas.

Level 2 Heading

The Level 2 heading specifies a subsection of the preceding segment. Using headings is a wonderful way to organize a paper and increase its readability, so see Section 2.27 of APA 7 and the Writing Center’s Heading Levels webpage for details on heading formatting (the inside front cover of APA 7 also contains a chart describing heading formatting). Utilizing one or two levels is sufficient for shorter papers. You would use Level 1 (centered, bold, title case typeface) and Level 2 (left aligned, bold, title case font). This template provides examples of APA’s four heading levels; however, use headings sparingly to indicate your paper’s organization APA 7 Sample. Too many headings (e.g., headings for each paragraph) can be distracting, while too few headings can make your paper’s organization ambiguous.

Level 3 Heading

The formatting for level 3 and level 4 headings has changed. Level 3 headings are displayed in italics, whereas Level 4 headings are indented. There are no lowercase headings. The number of heading levels required in a particular paper is not predetermined; however, longer papers may benefit from an additional heading level, such as this Level 3 heading (which is left-aligned, bold, italicized, and title case), in order to clearly organize and identify the development of ideas within subheadings.

Heading level 4. Learning how to cite is a crucial aspect of APA format. In order to avoid plagiarism, be sure to cite your sources throughout your paper. This is a crucial practice: you must cite your sources and refrain from plagiarizing. Refer to Chapter 8 of APA 7 and the Writing Center’s Plagiarism Prevention Resource Kit for information on how to properly cite sources in your writing.

Heading level 1

APA can appear to be difficult to master, but following the general principles becomes simpler with practice. In addition to its website and email support, the Writing Center provides a wealth of helpful resources. For queries, please contact [email protected] or visit our Live Chat Hours, and peruse the APA Style section of our website for additional details. The Writing Center’s Crash Course in APA Style video can assist you in determining which APA rules you may need to study further.

Heading level 1

The conclusion should provide a summary of the paper’s key points. Depending on the duration of your paper, a conclusion can be one or multiple paragraphs. However, perhaps even more importantly, the conclusion should also explain what you have written and what it means in a broader context. Consider asking yourself the following questions to assist with your conclusion: What are your intentions for the information you have provided? What do you desire to modify? What is your ultimate objective in utilizing this data? What would it signify if your paper’s reader adopted and implemented your recommendations? APA Sample 7


(Please note that the citations that follow are only examples. These entries illustrate various categories of references; however, they are not cited in the body of this template. In your paper, ensure that each reference entry corresponds to a citation and that each citation refers to a reference entry.


For additional information, examples, and help with reference entries, see Chapter 9 of APA 7 and the Writing Center’s References section of the website, particularly the Common Reference List Examples page.)

American Counseling Association. (n.d.). About us. https://www.counseling.org/about-us/about-aca

Anderson, M. (2018). Getting consistent with consequences. Educational Leadership, 76(1), 26-33.

Bach, D., & Blake, D. J. (2016). Frame or get framed: The critical role of issue framing in nonmarket management. California Management Review, 58(3), 66-87. https://doi.org/10.1525/cmr.2016.58.3.66

Burgess, R. (2019). Rethinking global health: Frameworks of Power. Routledge.

Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24(2), 225–229. https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225

Johnson, P. (2003). Art: A new history. HarperCollins. https://doi.org/10.1037.0000136-000

Lindley, L. C., & Slayter, E. M. (2018). Prior trauma exposure and serious illness at end of life: A national study of children in the U.S. foster care system from 2005 to 2015. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 56(3), 309–317. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2018.06.001

Osman, M. A. (2016, December 15). 5 do’s and don’ts for staying motivated. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/5-dos-and-donts-for-staying-motivated/art-20270835

Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Wiley.

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Anatomy of a research article [Video]. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/library/instructionalmedia/tutorials#s-lg-box-7955524

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Writing literature reviews in your graduate coursework [Webinar]. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/webinars/graduate#s-lg-box-18447417

World Health Organization. (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunization and vaccine safety. https://www.who.int/features/qa/84/en/  APA 7 Sample